
Improve your Astroprocessing

Are you struggling to learn how to process your astro images? Most tutorials on the internet deal with images that have been taken using extremely expensive equipment, as well as often taken from dark skies. Sometimes following these tutorials can be a real struggle when you aren’t able to get the same results.

Lachlan has been through this. As a teenager, he wasn’t able to have the setups that these people have, so he has learnt and experimented with so many different types of processing methods to counteract this issue.

Using just simple software such as Photoshop (or GIMP) and Lightroom or even some more specific softwares such as Pixinsight, we are offering a tutorial session one on one via Zoom, to help you process these images step by step.

We can use an image of yours, or if you just want to learn the basics and then apply it later, Lachlan will provide a dataset to your liking, that will be able to show the ability of each software and how to use various functions within the program.